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Operación Bolívar

About the story:

Angel hunters, drug dealers, federal cops…

Leonides Arcángel has a peculiar occupation: hunting angels whose body parts are then turned into drugs and sold to the highest bidders. In this tale, politics, drug trafficking and corruption fuse together to create a concoction of interests that go beyond anything you can imagine. Operación Bolívar is a dazzling journey through the dark shadows of a spectral and violent Mexico. Told entirely through striking images, this graphic novel by Edgar Clement is incredibly appealing due to its memorable aesthetic and peculiar and delirious plot.

Edgar Clement was born in Mexico City in 1967. He is a self-taught storyteller and has been a collaborator in almost every printed media in Mexico.

Operación Bolívar is the first book that tells the tale of heavenly angels and the tangled and messy relationships surrounding their hunters on Earth.

“This story is told in the purest noir detective style, seasoned with all kinds of references that solidify its identity as a Mexican piece. The mix of Aztec myths with Judeo-Christian tales gives it a unique identity, and maybe that’s one of the reasons for this book to remain a reference for other Mexican comic books more than twenty years after its inception”.
– La Covacha

“Operación Bolivar by Edgar Clément is a fascinating text that is a perfect example of the impressive development that Mexican comics have had throughout the years in order to present works whose cultural value is not limited by the simplistic and commercial schemes that constitute the production policies of ‘mass culture’”.
– Capitán Quasar

“With a frenetic pace that doesn’t stop moving towards a somehow disillusioned conclusion, the story echoes the concerns of a generation that consciously lives in a society of appearances and overstimulation but cannot find a way to acknowledge its dependence on it, and lacks the capacity to shake out of it”.
– Fábrica de polvo

Author: Edgar Clement

Category: Graphic novel

Themes: Fantasy, police, crime, myths and legends

Interior: 176 pages

Binding: Paperback

Format: Printed